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Ruter's annual report 2022

Finally we can travel together again

After two and a half years of continuous crisis management through the pandemic, we emerged on the other side to see new opportunities. The year 2022 has been about seizing these opportunities and laying the groundwork for a public transportation system even better suited to people's lives.
2021 -> 2022

In our region, public transport had 341 million boardings in 2022. This is approximately 100 million more than in 2021, representing a 39% increase. Still, the figure is 14% lower than the number of boardings we had in 2019, which was the last normal year before the pandemic.

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Public transportation will soon be emission-free
Ambition for the entire region2028
Achieved in Oslo municipality2023

Ruter's biggest contribution towards reducing the environmental and climate impact of transportation is by offering an attractive and sustainable alternative to private car use. The goal is for all public transport in the Ruter region to be emission-free by 2028. Within Oslo municipality, we are set to achieve this goal as early as 2023.

NOx-emissions: Oslo

GRI 305-7


Direct emissions in tonnes of CO2e Oslo