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Balance sheet


Numbers in 1000Ruter AsRuter Konsern
Intangible assets
Intangible assets5187 009210 734213 255187 009226 612223 252
Sum intangible assets187 009210 734213 255187 009226 612223 252
Lasting operating assets
Buildings and assets630 71911 41916185 548169 856161 795
Ticket system and inventory675 86559 19563 36275 86559 19563 935
Sum lasting operating assets106 58470 61463 378261 414229 051225 730
Financial fixed assets
Investments stocks in subsidiary1158 46273 46273 462000
Lone to businesses in the same group891 00096 158103 158000
Investments in stocks and shares11969696969696
Sum financial fixed assets149 558169 716176 716969696
SUM FIXED ASSETS443 151451 063453 349448 519455 758449 077
Goods in stock578500519578500519
Sum goods in stock578500519578500519
Client receivables592 150206 701389 765592 858207 107390 077
Other short term receivables225 573226 581125 948226 159227 923128 058
Sum receivables817 723433 282515 713819 017435 030518 135
Bank deposits and cash
Bank deposits and cash121 540 1941 997 5361 599 9321 554 4292 029 4191 662 413
Sum bank deposits and cash1 540 1941 997 5361 599 9321 554 4292 029 4191 662 413
SUM CURRENT ASSETS2 358 4942 431 3182 116 1652 374 0232 464 9492 181 067
SUM ASSETS2 801 6462 882 3812 569 5142 822 5422 920 7072 630 144

Equity and debt

Numbers in 1000Ruter AsRuter Konsern
Deposited equity
Share capital13120120120120120120
Premium rate10188 300188 300188 300187 484187 484187 484
Sum deposited equity188 420188 420188 420187 604187 604187 604
Earned equity
Other equity10499 258598 306515 202513 307620 877551 690
Sum earned equity499 258598 306515 202513 307620 877551 690
Minority interests100002 0172 3561 996
SUM EQUITY687 678786 727703 622702 928810 837741 290
Provision for liabilities
Pension liabilities1452 26337 15780 59952 89443 12789 226
Deferred tax90003 4673 3973 253
Sum provision for liabilities52 26337 15780 59956 36146 52492 479
Other long term debt
Debt to credit institutions150101 700107 3500101 700107 350
Other long term debt1 2741 3341 3340601 334
Sum other long term debt1 274103 034108 6840101 760108 684
SUM LONG TERM DEBT53 537140 191189 28356 361148 283201 163
Distributor debt1 027 921758 618629 1581 028 054759 874634 311
Payable tax90001 2181 3881 228
Owing public taxes23 57423 70121 54523 10324 22522 123
Other short term debt151 008 9371 173 1451 025 9061 010 8791 176 1001 030 028
SUM SHORT TERM DEBT2 060 4311 955 4631 676 6082 063 2541 961 5871 687 691
SUM DEBT2 113 9682 095 6541 865 8912 119 6142 109 8701 888 853
SUM EQUITY AND DEBT2 801 6452 882 3812 569 5142 822 5422 920 7072 630 144